Thursday, November 09, 2006

Agent Kamikaze (Part 1) Mr Chiam-pion

As years go by, we are all getting older. Mayhem is is also getting older and bigger in size. But who cares, as long as we are young at heart (forever young.... i wanna be forever young...)

Just a few months back, we had a hell of a mayhem as one of the members had tied the knot and we were celebrating his big day. Of course Fire Beer Mayhem was still the theme of the night as our mighty warrior Mr Chiam-pion as shown below did wat he had to do.

Agent Kamikaze
As it usually starts out, things were going fine...
A happy gathering...
Another happy gathering.....
The unsuspicious ones....

Mr Chiam-pion was always on the lookout.
Will i survive this ordeal tonight?

He was ready for the big battle at night....
Prayers were said...

A prayer to the gods....

Now where did he go?
An empty seat... The war has begun...
Yes, Mr Chiam-pion is at the battle field!!!
Yummmm Seng.....

The battle continues.....

The great Agent Kamikaze carries on, he just never gives up!
"Come.. On... Drink up some more mate...."

Revenge for our fore-fathers.......
"Ha ha, you are a goner mate...."

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